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Full Council


Full Council meets monthly (apart from August) Dates in the side panel below.


The meetings will be at Downham Market Town Hall, Bridge Street, Downham Market PE38 9DW unless otherwise notified.


Ordinary Full Council meetings are recorded and uploaded to YouTube.


Some Agenda Items refer to specific accompanying documents. These are provided separately on the Full Council - Supporting Documents pageWhere documents are shown as Draft, they may be subject to change.


To view the Borough Councillors' reports to Full Council go to the Reports From Borough Councillors page.​

In a Meeting

Meeting Calendar


The calendar of planned meetings for Full Council in 2024/5 is as follows:


2 July 2024

No meeting August

3 September 2024

1 October 2024

5 November 2024

No meeting December

14 January 2025

4 February 2024

4 March 2025


Agendas are available here usually 3-4 days prior to a meeting. Minutes of the meeting are usually available once they have been ratified at the following meeting.

Minutes are shown here from 2020 onwards. Copies of older meeting minutes are available on request from the Town Council. 

What Is Full Council?


Full Council meetings are a forum where councillors can exercise their representative function and one which can underpin policy formulation and performance review.


It deals with matters such as:​​

  • approving the council’s policy framework.

  • agreeing the council’s Budget and setting the Council Tax Precept.

  • making decisions referred to it by sub-committees.

  • adopting and changing Standing Orders.


In February each year it meets to approve the Council’s budget for the forthcoming financial year and sets the Council Tax Precept.  Council elections are held every four years and the Mayor and Deputy Mayor are elected at the Council's 'Mayor-Making' Meeting each year in May.


All Councillors attend Full Council and meetings are chaired by the Mayor of the Council.


What is Mayor Making? 


*Each year, at a meeting in May, a new Mayor and Deputy Mayor for Downham Market are elected by the Councillors.  The Mayor Making meeting is also known as the Annual Town Council meeting.

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