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Neighbourhood Plan

A Neighbourhood plan is a way for communities to have a say in the future of the places where they live and work. It gives the community the power to produce a plan with real legal weight that directs development in the local area i.e Downham Market. 


It helps :

  • choose where you want new homes, shops and offices to be built

  • have your say on what those new buildings should look like

  • Help the planning permission process for the new buildings you want to see go ahead



Neighbourhood Plans set out a vision for an area and contain planning policies for the use and development of land.


A Neighbourhood Plan is created to help guide development which  covers local issues . For example, a Plan could cover where new homes, shops or offices should go and what green spaces should be protected.


When a plan is written everyone is involved, for example Parish Council, local community groups, Local Authority, statutory consultees, such as the NHS, local residents and local businesses.


They are produced in conformity with  King's Lynn & West Norfolk  Borough Council’s Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document and national planning policy.


If the Plan is adopted it will become a statutory document that will be used when determining planning applications.


However Neighbourhood planning cannot be used to block the building of the homes and businesses considered to be necessary to meet the District’s current and future needs. It can, however, influence the type, design, location and mix of new development in other words it is the vision of the community and what it wants its community to look like over the next  30 years.


Who can lead on Neighbourhood Planning?

Neighbourhood Planning is led by the local community. A Neighbourhood Plan can only be prepared by Parish or Town Council in Parished area so Downham Market Town Council can lead on creating a Neighbourhood Plan.


YOUR  VIEWS  are important to the Council and we hope to hear from you


Press Releases

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

01 October 2021 - 12 November 2021

Have YOUR say on the future of YOUR Town

Email any comments using the Response Form to:

Response Form

Regulation 14 Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan 

Hard copies of the plan are available for viewing at the Town Council Offices on Paradise Road (by appointment) or at Downham Market Library

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