Council Services
The Town Council provides services in Downham Market in conjunction with the Borough Council and the County Council. Many everyday services are the responsibility of the Borough or County and it may be best to contact them directly if you have a concern or a request. Listed below are some of the more common areas of concern.
How do I report a street light not working?
Telephone Norfolk County Council Highways Dept 01603 213926, or visit www.norfolk.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/roads/report-a-problem
Give them the precise location and the reference number as printed on the lamp post.
How do I report fly-tipping?
The Borough Council deal with this: call them on
01553 616200 (may be an answerphone but messages reviewed regularly), email cleanup@west-norfolk.gov.uk
or visit Fly-tipping (illegal dumping) | Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk (west-norfolk.gov.uk)
How do I report a missing or damaged street name sign?
To report a problem with a sign you can call the Borough Council on 01553 616200. May be an answerphone but messages are reviewed regularly. Alternatively you can click on the link below to report a worn, damaged or missing Street name plate.
Road Signs / Weeds
Road signs and growth on pavements in the responsibility of Norfolk County Council.
Weed treatment commences in the Spring and takes place 3 times during the year. For information or to report a problem telephone 01553 778000
How do I report an abandoned car?
The Borough Council is responsible in conjunction with the Police. In some cases removal may be delayed if a vehicle is the subject of an insurance claim or criminal investigation. To report a vehicle call 01553 616200.
Stray Dogs
Please click on the following link to the Borough Councils website which gives information on reporting lost or stray dogs.
Bulky item collection service
The Borough Council can arrange for collection of bulky items such as furniture, beds, fridges and freezers.
There is a charge for this service. Call the Refuse & Recycling Hotline on 0330 1099220. Visit www.west-norfolk.gov.uk/info/20004/bins_and_recycling/270/bulky_item_collections for more information.
Dangerous buildings & structures
The Borough Council deal with these and Building Control staff will visit and inspect all dangerous structures that are reported on a 24 hours a day 7 days a week basis.
Telephone 01553 616581 during office hours or
Council's careline service on 01553 760671 at other times.
Refuse & recycling queries including missed bins
The Borough Council deal with queries on this.
To find out your collection day; report missed collections or lost/stolen bins; order an additional bin; get an assisted lift service or for more information call the refuse & recycling hotline on 0330 1099220. See www.west-norfolk.gov.uk/info/20174/bins_and_recycling_collection_dates for bin collection dates.
Road maintenance including pot holes
Maintenance of roads, including potholes, roadside verges, mud on the road and road signs, is the responsibility of County Highways. Call them on 01553 778000 or 0845 6021930, or visit www.norfolk.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/roads/report-a-problem
Children's play areas
These are provided by a variety of agencies including the Town Council and the Borough Council.
Call the cleanup team on 01553 616200 to report any problems and they will ensure the appropriate agency is informed.
Footpaths & cycle routes
The responsibility for these is split between the Borough Council & the County Council. Call 01553 616200 to report a problem in the first instance.